Netflix For Theology
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Areas of Concentration
Biblical Literacy
Our essential level will take you on a biblical and theological journey to learn the fundamentals of the faith. Courses include: Intro to the Old and New Testament, how to read & study the bible, what is the Gospel, spiritual gifts and so much more.
Leadership Fundamentals
Learn leadership fundamentals and principles that help you to lead yourself, others and for change. Courses include: Leadership principles, servant and transformational leadership, the art of a leader and more.
Advance Leadership
Advance leadership takes what you've learned during the fundamentals into a more robust type of leadership that models the person of Jesus. Courses include: Orgainization Leadership, How to build and sustain teams and much more.
The mentorship program (Advanced ONLY) is geared towards those who are called to a ministry or leadership capacity. Engage with our professors on a one-to-one personal level to help grow and develop you for the future.
Our global seminars are done virtually which facilitates a monthly learning environment with our professors. Each seminar delivers all areas of concentration, guest lecturers, and Q&A sessions at the conclusion. Every student is invited to join us.
1 Year Certificate Program
Want a more comprehensive course of study? Then our online courses are just for you.
V1 College Program
Each semester contains 4 areas of concentration that stems into a deeper understanding surrounding biblical literacy, leadership, advance leadership and mentorship that is unique to the V1 college student experience. Depending on your subscription plan, you will receive the specified course for the duration of the semester year.
Meet our instructors
Mike Signorelli
President at V1 College
Lead Pastor of V1 Church
Edwin Perez
Dean at V1 College
B.S - Liberty University
MDiv - Fuller Theological Seminary
Doctoral Student - Gordon Conwell